ITGLWF. Notizie utili dalla Federazione internazionale dei tessili



The International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation is a Global Union Federation bringing together 217 affiliated organisations in 110 countries.

The aims of the ITGLWF are to:
draw up policy guidelines on important issues for unions in the sectors and coordinate the activities of affiliates around the world;
act as a clearing house for information of relevance to the daily work of unions in the sector;
undertake solidarity action in support of unions in the sector whose trade union rights are being denied;
run a programme of education and development aid to assist unions in developing countries in organising workers and educating their members to play an active role in their union;
lobby intergovernmental organisations and other relevant institutions to ensure that the interests of workers in the sectors are taken into account in decisions made at international level.
The ITGLWF is funded by subscriptions from its affiliated organisations. Education and development aid programmes are funded by donor organisations.



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